Well it's time to go through the camera roll and pull out all those random landscape shots I've taken over this past year. A culmination of those one-off moments when I see something and say to myself 'hey self, that would make a great painting'. Ah, the ease and directness of smartphones. But there's a downside (isn't there always?). I've come to realize just how easy is it to to snap that picture, put the phone back into your pocket and forget all about it. I haven't quite figured out just yet how to manage all those great pics and carve out the time it takes to turn those images into working sketches, drawings and paintings.

Now's as good a time as any to admit past failings and resolve to do better. I'm looking forward to working up a new schedule that has me either sketching or drawing twice a week. Going to try a couple of different approach – both morning and evening time slots. I tend to be a night owl when it comes to producing creative, but I'm not sure how that will play with my work schedule. Ah, if I could just do something about that dastardly commute. Hmm ... there's a thought. I could hire a chauffeur and sketch while in transit. Love it.

More to come.